Residential Waste Pickup
Trash, Recycling, & ORganics
3-Cart Residential Solid Waste Collection
Standard residential (1-4 units) service is one (1) 96-gallon BLACK-lid trash cart, one (1) 96-gallon BLUE-lid recycling cart, and one (1) 96-gallon GREEN-lid organics cart per unit. This standard service is billed through the property owner’s property tax bill. More about tax bills can be found here.
Residential customers may request additional BLUE-lid or GREEN-lid carts at no charge. Additional BLACK-lid trash carts will incur an additional charge and will be billed directly to you monthly. We will be monitoring usage of the recycling and organics carts and will tag your cart(s) if they are being used improperly. If the cart(s) continue to be contaminated with non-recyclable items, we will need to replace the recycling and/or organics cart(s) with an additional trash cart, which will cost you more. Be a good steward for the environment by recycling the right way!
For a list of what goes in your carts, click here.