Residential Services

Residential Waste & Recycle Pickup
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Bulky-Item Pickup
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Hazardous, E-Waste, & Universal Waste
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Sharps Recycling Kit
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Valet Service
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Holiday Schedule
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FAQs for Gardena Residents
The GREEN ORGANICS cart is for plant matter, food scraps, and food-soiled paper products. NO BUILDING MATERIALS; CACTI, SUCCULENTS, or YUCCA; CONCRETE; DIRT; PALM FRONDS; PET WASTE; SAND; STONES; TRASH; OR TREE TRIMMINGS LARGER THAN 4 INCHES IN DIAMETER OR 4 FEET IN LENGTH (these require bulky item pickup service).
Loose in Cart
- Flower & hedge trimmings
- Flowers & herbs
- Grass clippings
- Leaves & branches
- Lumber, scrap wood, & plywood (not painted or treated)
- Weeds
Bagged in Clear Plastic Bags
- Bread, rice, & pasta
- Cheese & dairy
- Fruits & vegetables
- Meat, bones, & poultry
- Seafood & soft shells
- Tea bags, coffee grounds, & paper filters
- Food-stained paper
- Paper egg cartons
- Paper napkins & paper towels
- Pizza boxes
- Paper bags (lunch sacks)
- Paper plates without coatings
- To-go boxes (no coating)
- Wooden & fiber-based utensils
- Any plastics, other than clear bags for holding food and food-soiled paper
- Cacti, succulents, & yucca
- Compostable plastics (bioplastics)
- Coffee cups & pods
- Fats, oils, & grease
- Food stickers (please remove)
- Gloves
- Medication
- Palm fronds
- Paper napkins & towels with cleaning chemicals
- Parchment & wax paper
- Pet waste
- Rocks & soil
- Rubber bands & twist ties
- Textiles
- Tissues & wet wipes
The BLUE RECYCLING container is for the collection of commingled recyclables such as aluminum/tin foil and trays (clean); aseptic containers, juice boxes and milk cartons; cans (aluminum, bi-metal, and tin); cardboard; envelopes; glass bottles and jars; non-glossy junk mail; magazines; all metal; newspaper; office paper; paper grocery bags; plastic containers (numbered 1-7); and shredded paper (bagged). NO FOOD WASTE, LIQUIDS, ORGANICS, PACKAGING PEANUTS, PET WASTE, TRASH, OR YARD TRIMMINGS.
The BLACK LANDFILL container is for non-recyclable trash such as bathroom waste, candy bar wrappers, ceramics/porcelain, chip bags, cigarette butts, diapers, wrapping and gift tissue paper, disposable gloves, foam to-go containers and cups, glossy junk mail, juice pouches, packaging peanuts, palm fronds, pet waste, succulents and cacti, yucca leaves, and other solid waste materials considered to be no longer of use.
WR is only closed for six service days per year. For a schedule, visit our Holidays page.
Abandoned trash should be reported through the Gardena Direct page or call (310) 323-7911 /(310) 217-9650.
The City of Gardena has a zero tolerance for scavengers. We encourage you to report this crime to the Gardena Police Department. Do not confront the scavenger. However, if possible, get a description of the person and vehicle, including the license plate then contact Gardena Police at (310) 217-9600.
In Gardena, residential and multi-family customers are eligible for one (1) free pickup per calendar quarter. You must call before noon the day prior to your regular service day to schedule your bulky item pick up. Each pickup cannot include more than two (2) large household items and will be limited to a maximum volume of three (3) cubic yards, or weight limit of 300lb. Collections of more than three (3) cubic yards or more than one (1) pickup per quarter will be subject to a surcharge.
Absolutely! WR provides Valet Service for people who need help setting their carts curbside. Our crews will need permission to enter your property for the sole purpose of retrieving, servicing, and returning your carts. People with a Disabled Person placard from the DMV can receive this service for free; others will need to pay a monthly service fee. Click here or call (310) 366-7600 for an application.
We realize that every once in a while, your carts may need a bit of maintenance. Call Customer Service at (310) 366-7600 to request repair or replacement. If the damage is due to normal wear and tear, we’ll repair or replace for free. However, if the damage seems to be a result of willful damage to the cart, you will be charged a replacement fee.
No. You may call customer service at (310) 366-7600 to schedule delivery of additional organics or recycling carts. However, misuse of your containers may result in non-collection or fines. Please be sure to follow the “what goes where” information provided.
There is a monthly charge for extra trash carts that is billed directly by WR. Your standard service is paid through your Golden State Water bill.
WR provides temporary bin or roll-off service for a fee. WR is the ONLY company permitted to supply large commercial-size bins for residential use in Gardena. Call Customer Service at (310) 366-7600 to order.